the 1 Secret only the top 0.05% of coaches do...

Discover The High Impact Coaching Model That Will Transform Your Business Forever!

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before booking a call:

  • ​Yes, I saw the whole video above and loved it!

  • Yes, I’m a coach, consultant, agency owner, course creator or I want to be one! 

  • Yes, I’m happy to invest in my success and I understand that y’all guarantee success!

  • Yes, I promise to show up to my free Impact Session helping me map out my Purpose driven High Impact coaching business!

  • ​Yes, I want to MAKE an IMPACT, so I can start to LIVE and GIVE BACK MORE!

A Free Call So valuable, it's might just be the best coaching session you've EVER HAD!

Claim Your Exclusive VIP Invitation

But before you do, here’s my promise to you: 

In the following High Impact Session, our Director of Client Success will help you map out where you are now, where you want to go, and exactly how to get there with as little pain as possible. 

In fact, this FREE session is so good, I have the honor of saying this:


First come, first serve!

My journey from RAT RACE Hourly Coach to "High Impact coach"

Brandon Hintz is more than just a Husband and Father - He's a powerhouse in the realm of mindset and business strategy. With The NOW Academy, he's created a coaching company that's shaking up the industry, and as the visionary behind the High Impact Coach Movement, he's helping entrepreneurs transform their wildest dreams into reality.

For entrepreneurs eager to ascend to the next level, Brandon's Design It Mastermind is an unmissable event. Thousands of mission-driven entrepreneurs have already experienced its transformative power, and it's time for you to join their ranks.

With Brandon's expert guidance, you'll craft a business that truly makes a difference to those who need it most. He firmly believes that the right mindset, strategy, and attitude can help you achieve anything you desire in life and business.

By creating a business that delivers Impact, Income, and Freedom, you'll seize control over your time, finances, and life and unlock your full potential.

Join the movement today and be a part of the impact-driven entrepreneurs and coaches who are changing the world. With Brandon as your ally, you can surpass all limitations and achieve your greatest aspirations.

Experience some of our students' Impact  call Success

Tell me, Brandon... Do You have faith I can do this??

Oh Yes, Click And let's have a Talk! 

We create High Impact purpose-driven coaches 

From Business Coaches, Crafting Coaches, To manifesting Coaches and Career Coaches!

This is the program for you!

it'S time for you to make an impact?

ARE you Next? Book your Call NOW!

Your time is NOW!

Book your Call

Brandon I can't wait to have my High Impact Session?

I could tell you all about our world-class coaching program, but let me show you instead...

Let me show you the guts of this program that'll be yours when you join:

When we help our clients hit

5-6-7 figures, and WHEN they do! WE CELEBRATE THEM!!!Each coach gets an amazing trophies at they each level... 

Frequently Asked Questions

 Do I Have To Be An Expert?

Luckily this program is designed to work for those already in the game looking to take their business to the next level, AND it also is laid out to help those who are ready to take what they already know, package their knowledge, and start to make an impact on share there gift for the first time. 

 Will This Work In My Country?

We have coaches all around the world and loving it. As of today we have students in 8 countries and over 100 niches using the High Impact Coach method to change their lives and the lives of their client!. Don't let the fear of where you live stop you from this experience!

 How Much Time Do I Need To Make This Work?

We understand that most people are very busy and have full time jobs, families, commutes and hardly any free time. We designed this program so that you can work through it even if you're hard pressed for time. We have created a culture of progress inside the High Impact Coach family. To go at your own speed. You can listen to the trainings while driving, while working out or even at your office with headphones in. It doesn't matter what your schedule is like, if you can set aside at least 2 hours per week you will be able to work your way through it.

Even if you can't start right away…reserve your spot and go at your own pace. The internal lessons aren't live, they're pre-recorded and available online inside our training portal. You can login whenever you want, on your own time and on your own schedule. 

 Can I Trust Brandon?

I don't think you could find a more trustworthy individual, of the past 20 years who has transformed and changed as many lives as Brandon. Standing Behind the timeless quote "You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want." -Zig Ziglar. He have obsessed on helping individuals BREAKTHROUGH to their true potential and become and influencer that makes an impact. I'm not sure this  a person alive on the planet who cares more about YOUR success!

 What Price Do I Charge?

Inside of the High Impact Coach Mastermind you will learn exactly what you should and can charge your ideal clients! You will leave this course feeling massively confident with this objective moving forward!

 How Is This Mastermind Different Than Others?

This mastermind is different mainly it is a hybrid of live session and course trainings, the graduation rate is so high because we have the "Authority 3" system that no one else has...

1. Mindset:

You will receive the unstoppable mindset training we all need to reach our next level and not get off track, straight from Brandon Hintz who is a master neuro~linguistic and  when it comes to human potential and mastering your mindset your in great hands!

2. Tactics and Strategies:

Learn to confidently extract your superpower, design your curriculum and to identify and breakthrough to your ideal clients looking for what you have to offer. You get the best proven marketing strategies so you can ethically and authentically get your ideal clients to say “yes” to working with you! Brandon has over 40 years of combined success in this industry and he has held nothing back so you can learn the the High Impact Coach system to confidently share your gift with those who need it.

3. Implementation:

Once you have a powerful mindset and the tactics to confidently take action, Brandon gives you the HOW better than anyone with the "Client Attraction" Tribe Accelerator software that gives you the tools to immediately implement without delays or complication!! Plus you will have hands on support and mentorship from Brandon, AND the entire community of fellow High Impact Coach members.

Best Community On The Planet:

Our students join a worldwide community of people just like them; cheering them on to their greatness DAILY! Plus, this is the only community where Brandon is LIVE with bonus breakthrough trainings! 

True Mentorship:

Not only will you learn from the likes of Brandon inside High Impact Coach, but you will also have LIVE access 2x weekly ongoing training, hot seats and strategies with Brandon as he shares what they have learned to create sustainable success in business & life.

our high impact guarantee

I personally guarantee  that my HIGH IMPACT team and I will work with you LIVE hands-on... until you 10x your investment!

The right fit?

As you can imagine, the High Impact Coach Program is unlike any other coaching experience out there and as such, we go to great efforts to maintain the quality & exclusivity of this elite community. 


  • You are a coach or might want to be one

  • You have 1 hour a day to build your business

  • ​You’re ready to take imperfect action to scale​

  • You have the means to invest in your growth

  • You want to make more so you can give more


  • You've never had any success online or offline

  • ​You’re looking to “get rich quick”

  • You seek free advice without doing the work

  •  You don’t see the worth in self-investment

  • ​You want to make more and keep it all

So if that sounds good to you and you’re ready to leverage everything our coaches and I have used to grow one of the most successful coaching businesses in the world (including personal access to myself and my High Impact team), you know what to do... 

Are you next?

Now that you’ve seen we create High Impact purpose-driven coaches like you who’ve gone on to change countless lives from within the High Impact Coach community,

I only have one more question to ask:

Will you be next?...

Make more, give more

We guarantee 100% privacy. Your information will not be shared.

All Rights Reserved The Now Academy © COPYRIGHT 2024 www.BrandonHintz.com | Terms of Use | Privacy Policy 


The NOW Academy is a sales and marketing education and training company. We do not sell a business opportunity, “get rich quick” program or money-making system. We believe, with education, businesses and individuals can be better prepared to make marketing and business decisions, but we do not guarantee success in our services. We do not make earnings claims, efforts claims, or claims that our training will make you any money. All material is intellectual property and protected by copyright. Any duplication, reproduction, or distribution is strictly prohibited.

Investing of any kind carries risk and it is possible to lose some or all of your money. The training provided is general in nature, and some strategies may not be appropriate for all individuals or all situations. We make no representation regarding the likelihood or probability that any actual or hypothetical business activity will achieve a particular outcome or perform in any predictable manner.

Statements and depictions are the opinions, findings, or experiences of individuals who generally have purchased education and training. Results vary, are not typical, and rely on individual effort, time, and skill, as well as unknown conditions and other factors. We do not measure earnings or financial performance. Instead, we track completed transactions and satisfaction of services by voluntary surveys. Results show that most clients who actively participate with The NOW Academy have a greater chance of success than those who are not cooperative and involved. You should not, however, equate completed sales closing transactions with financially successful transactions. Further, many customers do not continue with the program, do not apply the strategies taught or what they learn, or do attempt to apply what they learn but nonetheless have difficulty in making sales successful for them.

The Company may link to content or refer to content and/or services created by or provided by third parties that are not affiliated with the Company. The Company is not responsible for such content and does not endorse or approve it. The Company may provide services by or refer you to third-party businesses. Some of these businesses have common interest and ownership with the Company.

All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT attempt to work with us.

Do you have questions? Are you wondering if this will work for you? Email us at bhintz@thenowacademy.com. We will be happy to discuss your goals and how our program may help you. Thank you.

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